"Vers la compréhension des séquences sismiques sur un système de failles: de l'observation spatiale à la modélisation numérique. Application à la séquence du NE Lut".
an ANR postdoctoral fellow (Kinematics and mechanics of early postseismic process).
a PhD student (effects of 3D complexities on surface deformation)
Postdoctoral position in Geophysics in the field of crustal deformation at the Earth science research lab Géoazur (Sophia-Antipolis, France)
For the E-POST project (The Early POSTseismic deformation: a key process in the earthquake cycle. From observation to modeling.), funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), we are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher with experience in the field of mechanical modeling and/or geodetic earthquake source modeling and/or dynamic earthquake source modeling. Knowledge of friction laws and fault modeling applications will be appreciated.
July, 1st, 2017 : C. Twardzik participates to the "Midsummer night’s dream"
June, 26-30, 2017 : T. Ragon participates to the 2017 CDM Workshop
June, 2017 : T. Ragon's visit at CalTech, USA (3 weeks)
May, 15, 2017: M. Vergnolle presents E-POST to the ANR committee
April, 25, 2017 : Second mid-term meeting at Géoazur
March, 23, 2017 : First mi-term meeting at Géoazur
March, 2017: C. Twardzik 's visit at INGV, Italy (1 week)
December 2016, T. Ragon and M. Marchandon presentations
October, 2016 : C. Twardzik participates to the "Science day Party"
September 12-15, 2016 : M. Marchandon & collaborators presentations
September, 5-7, 2016 : C. Twardzik participates to the GIPSY-OASIS Course, Covilha, Portugal