Task manager: Frédéric Cappa (Géoazur)

Participants: Robert Viesca (TUFTS University, US), Louis De Barros (Géoazur), Laurent Stehly (Géoazur), Mai-Linh Doan (ISTerre)

Expert: Jonny Rutqvist (LBNL-ESD, UC Berkeley), Yves Guglielmi (CEREGE)

Objectives: Hydromechanical modeling will be performed in order (1) to analyze experimental data collected in Task 2, (2) to estimate fault properties evolution during rupture, (3) to simulate rock damage associated with fault slip, (4) to investigate if the fluids are only the triggering factor of instability or if they participate in the entire rupture process, that is from the nucleation through propagation to the arrest of rupture, and (5) to allow upscaling between experimental data, field observations, and large-scale faulting process (to be done with Task 4).